company description

The BMSG-Biomedical Solutions Group, Inc. ( BMSG-Poland ) is an independent, privately owned biotech services company based in the state of Illinois, USA.

The company uses the main research facilities of the Jagiellonian University and Polish Academy of Sciences ( PAN) in Krakow, Poland.

BMSG, Inc. was founded in 2002 as a logical continuation of R&D activities of leading Polish specialists in advanced medicine, biomedicine and biotechnology.

Since its inception BMSG, Inc. remains one of the pioneers in the biotechnology sector in Poland and Central Europe.

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about our statut

Bmsg, inc. Is a life-science company which creates and generates new innovative solutions from the basic sciences coming from life sciences, biology, chemistry, physics and medicine.

Company is interested in generating value through new discoveries, practical aplications and new research solutions.

Our executive board of directors consists of professionals from biology, chemistry, physics and medicine.

Our aim is to promote and match new ideas with the appropriate sponsors, angels and investors from the business sector.

Company facilitates collaboration across a network of leading research institutions, universities and business partners.

TOP factors making Poland so attractive:

  1. Stable economy in healthy condition;
  2. A highly-skilled, multilingual workforce;
  3. Dynamically growing IT market;
  4. US standards in IP protection and Data Security;
  5. Cultural and work ethics similarity;
  6. Low labor costs (as compared to US and Western Europe);
  7. Quality technology infrastructure;
  8. Attractive tax incentives (low inflation, low CIT, special economic zones) ;